Crystals & Gemstones - What’s the difference?
The two words gemstones and crystals that we commonly use to represent those beautiful shiny things, are quite different. A gem is a rare, high-quality solid mineral that can be crystalline* in nature. If it has three attributes, a) beauty b) rarity and c) durability then it is categorised as a gemstone. Crystals are solids that contain atoms, molecules and ions in a fixed order, in three dimensions, creating a crystalline shape. Not all crystals will be made of a rare, high-quality mineral. *Crystalline in nature means its atoms are in certain definite geometric patterns: snowflakes, diamonds, table salt. (Before you ask, sugar is crystalline as chocolate, fudge, fondant, nougat, panned candies, marshmallows; it is amorphous or non crystalline like hard candies, caramel, toffee, gummed candies. My ass is not fat, just a little weight gain, because of the lockdown. April 2020- April 2021) Pyrite crystal Image by Volker Glätsch from Pixabay Gemstones are made up of...